55 2025 Genesee Scientific Product Catalog Bacteriological Growth Media & Additives • Bacteriological & Molecular/Proteomic Grade Molecular/Proteomic Grade Chemicals: Purity > 99% • Free of RNase, DNase, endonucleases, endotoxins, proteins, and proteases Cat# Description Qty/Unit 18-141 Tricine 250g 18-142 500g 18-143 Tris Base 250g 18-144 500g 18-145 1000g 18-146 5000g 18-148 Tris-HCl 250g 18-149 500g 18-107 Glycine 250g 18-108 500g 18-109 1000g 18-112 HEPES 250g 18-114 MOPS 250g 18-115 500g 18-124 PIPES 250g 18-125 500g Cat# Description Makes @1X Qty/Unit 18-106 EDTA Buffer, 1X, 0.5 M, pH 8.0 1.34L 250g 18-116 PBS, 1X, pH 7.2 25.5L 250g 18-117 51L 500g 18-126 Sodium Acetate, 1X, 3.0 M, pH 5.2 1.02L 250g 18-134 TAE, 1X, pH 8.3 65.3L 500g 18-135 TBE, 1X, pH 8.3 14.7L 250g 18-136 29.4L 500g 18-137 TBS, 1X, pH 8.0 17.5L 250g Powdered Buffers Pre-Mixed Powdered Buffers • Free of RNase, DNase, endonucleases, endotoxins, proteins & proteases Molecular/Proteomic Grade Chemicals: Purity > 99% Cat# Description Qty/Unit 11-119 LB Agar, Miller's 500g 11-122 2kg 11-123 10kg 11-118 LB Broth, Miller's 500g 11-120 2kg 11-121 10kg 18-220 2xYT Broth 500g 18-222 Super Broth 500g 18-223 2500g 18-224 Terrific Broth 500g 18-225 2500g 20-273 Agar, Bacto-Grade 500g 20-274 2kg 20-248 Agar, Granulated 500g 20-249 2kg 20-251 Tryptone, Bacto-Grade 500g 20-252 2kg 20-268 5kg 20-254 Yeast Extract, Bacto-Grade 500g 20-255 2kg 20-269 5kg 20-260 Peptone, Bacto-Grade 500g 20-261 2kg 18-214 Sodium Chloride 1kg 18-215 2.5kg 18-216 5kg 18-212 Satellite Free Ampicillin 1ml 18-213 5 x 1ml 18-210 Kanamycin Sulfate 25g 18-211 100g 18-201 Chloramphenicol 25g 18-202 100g 20-108 X-Gal 1g 20-109 IPTG 5g Bacterial growth by using Satellite Free Ampicillin • Widely used in Electrophoresis, Blotting, ELISA, Cell & Tissue Culture, Molecular Biology, and Biochemistry Ultimate Convenience! Scoop, dissolve, and use! No need to adjust the pH! Apex™ Buffers & Bacteriological Media
2025 Genesee Product Catalog
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